Gallery O on H

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Gallery OonH is seeking a broad range of submissions from ALL levels of photographers for a comprehensive look at the impact of the 2017 Inaugural from January 19-21 and beyond. 

The collective body of ALL submitted photos will be installed as a visual time tunnel challenging the viewer to reflect on how they have related / reacted / resisted and/or engaged in the 6-months since January 20th.
Specific to this show, the Gallery is also seeking the use of original signs & placards used in the marches / protests. ALL images, signage & rights remain the sole property of the photographer or donor. Reproduction will be limited to the exhibit  installation and solely for promotion of the exhibit. 

Submission details
• Images are requested in jpg and tiff formats only. The Gallery will print the photos on individual sheets. 
• There is no fee for submissions; the maximum number is 5. 
• Photo credit attribution (name only) will be printed with each entry.